Monday, March 31, 2008

Monika: I want some damn miso

All I can think about is Miso soup and veggie broth. Asya and Anne and I are at Asya's house researching broths/miso and it seems that we are not supposed to be drinking such things, however, we did find a good recipe for making veggie juice and then heating it up.

I'm sick of green juice!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Monika: Day 6 update!!

This is going to be pretty short and sweet but just wanted to post and say that I've been pretty low energy due to not enough juice consumption. I've decided that I need to spice things up a little, because I'm getting reaaaaaallly bored of the same thing everyday... kale/spinach/lettuce/celery/cucumber/pear/apple

I'm going to go to Central Market hopefully tomorrow and snatch up some ginger, fennel, and some other things. beets perhaps? grapefruits? I read some juicefeasting blogs today and that seemed to inspire me again.

I noticed my size 14 pants were feeling a little loose today so I weighed myself today and I am at 176.4. Michale and I have our "big moving day" tomorrow so I am going to go finish packing and get enough rest!!!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monika: day 3/4 wow!


It's the 4th day of the juice feast.  Yesterday was fine, although I have been resisting drinking all the juice.  It feels like such a chore... I know that's just a story I made up, but it does feel like a chore to me sometimes.

Susan's been over juicing with me all the days... been lots of fun!  Andie said that she is going to jump on the bandwagon tomorrow and juice for about 30 days, until her trip to San Francisco.

I have a headache this evening, finally had some poopin movin goin on earlier... none on days 2/3.  drank some yummy OJ and grapefruit juice today.... my juices, in general, have been consisting of:

-1 head spinach
-greens and/or kale

We ran out of celery and I had to go buy some more.  I have ordered a new case to arrive tomorrow at Central Market.  I weighed myself last night, and I was 178.1.

More tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

michale: day 2/3 update

OK, I'm cold. Is anyone else cold?? I just made some nice hot water... no tea .... Monika packed the tea!! But she promises to get me some kind of delicious rooibos/yum tea at Whole Foods today.

The hardest part of this, for me, so far, is the amount of time it takes to juice everything. Other than that, the cravings for odd things come and go, but that's no different than most days in my life: "should I eat a hostess cake right now?" "what about french fries?" and so the chatter goes. Mostly, my answer is no, not right now.

Yesterday was pretty great. I did drink coffee yesterday, though. Is that preventing me from having detox symptoms like Susan? Probably. I'll see if I can hold out today. For Susan. This moment, I don't feel like I need to drink coffee; I don't even have a headache. That's a freaking miracle in itself.

My juice yesterday had a lot of fennel and a wee bit of garlic in it, which made it very savory and delicious. Today was my first day juicing with NO HELP from Monika at all, which means that I didn't juice any apples, pears, or spinach. It took me 45 minutes to juice two heads of celery, a big bunch of kale, and a cucumber. I added water from two young coconuts for some sweetness. And that's it. It's much less tasty than yesterday, but it feels very balancing and alkaline.

Yesterday, my friend Stuart was sitting next to me while I was drinking my juice and he said "What IS that? It smells like a FART." I made him smell it up close, and he agreed that it only smelled like a fart from far away. Up close, it smelled like juice.

Oh, and this is the BEST part of today so far: one of the patients I work with brought me a gift: a HUGE bag of basil from Hawaii. I'm plopping some in my tea water now. I love my job.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Susan: Days 1-2

Is this love?

a delicate balance, here with ShebaLuna on my lap and the puter below my knees! Aww, Sheba treed a coon rack, still in the tree--how often do you see a coon rack in a tree? must be a sign....

punch it: detox started early, surprisingly, with a solid achy and sore head starting mid day 1 and continuing into mid day 2; lots of gurgling; lots of peeing day 1 (celery did that?!); and pressure in the gut--gas, it seems. BM = verra loose during day, more solids at night.

rockin: M and I are getting a system down--the Juiceman Jr for apples, ginger, cukes, fennel and the JuiceStar for major greens. We got two juicers goin but it's still taking a while, we will continue to work on our system to lessen the time requirement--still got green 'stains' on my fingers and hands. We took our measurements and weighed ourselves again, we've both lost weight but this may be due to different times of day for the initial weigh in was late afternoon.

Before bed: a long soak and herbal liver tea, which I got last week after 2 day spontaneous liver flush experience. Early to bed, read the JF handbook for a while, lights out by midnight. Hard to get up Day 2, my detoxy head remains, and dreams of water and a ship at sea (and a bomb down below?), and of my father; strange, I've only dreamt of him a few times, why now?

Monika: Day 2

It's 1:50 p.m. on Day 2 and I feel like I've been juicing all day, even though it's been a productive day so far!  Susan is here right now and we just finished cleaning the kitchen, taking our measurements, and did a (day-time) weigh-in.

I got some more sleep last night and don't feel as sleepy as I did yesterday.  I don't think I am having any detox reactions yet.  I didn't finish all of the juice I made yesterday and felt bad about sending the leftovers down the drain... I will repent and drink everything today. :)  

We also did the liver cleanse today, involving lemon juice, garlic, and (icky) olive oil.  We also tried a spoonful of hemp oil.  Oh boy, lots of fun.

The boring details:

Today's juice:
-2 heads of celery
-1 large bunch of spinach
-6 apples
-2 pears
-1 english cucumber

Weight: 181.6 (day time)
Waist: 42"
Hips: 42"
T: 26.5"
Arms: 14" (L), 14" (R)
Neck: 13"
Bust: 41"

Monday, March 24, 2008

Michale: day 1 update

7 am - My chattery head is going: really? really? ok, seriously? thankfully, my commitment remains solid. I journaled last night about how this one-week juice feast is absolutely in alignment with the game I'm playing in my life lately. This is, namely -- HUMAN BEING FULLY ALIVE. That's me.

8 am - BLESS YOU SKIPPY for juicing while I was showering. I leave for work with approximately (I guess) about 60 oz of juice. Not nearly enough for the day... but I'll ration it out.

9 am - Confession: I got coffee. My hope is that I will stop wanting it within a couple of days. For day #1, I am being gentle with my juicy self. But no food!

10 am - I feel GREAT. My body is humming from all the green loveliness. Yum.

11 am - More of the feeling great. I shared this link with some coworkers. Hi, everybody!

12 pm - In the lunch room at work, someone is heating up something with garlic/curry. I get my juice out of the fridge and dash out as quickly as possible.

1 pm - first hunger pangs that feel like HUNGER. Sip some juice, "chew" in my mouth before swallowing. Chew some bee pollen. Hunger pangs gone, for now.

I am very conscious of my exhaling. The lungs are one of the major organs of elimination. Exhaling very fully whenever I think to do so.

More later.