Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monika: Day 2

It's 1:50 p.m. on Day 2 and I feel like I've been juicing all day, even though it's been a productive day so far!  Susan is here right now and we just finished cleaning the kitchen, taking our measurements, and did a (day-time) weigh-in.

I got some more sleep last night and don't feel as sleepy as I did yesterday.  I don't think I am having any detox reactions yet.  I didn't finish all of the juice I made yesterday and felt bad about sending the leftovers down the drain... I will repent and drink everything today. :)  

We also did the liver cleanse today, involving lemon juice, garlic, and (icky) olive oil.  We also tried a spoonful of hemp oil.  Oh boy, lots of fun.

The boring details:

Today's juice:
-2 heads of celery
-1 large bunch of spinach
-6 apples
-2 pears
-1 english cucumber

Weight: 181.6 (day time)
Waist: 42"
Hips: 42"
T: 26.5"
Arms: 14" (L), 14" (R)
Neck: 13"
Bust: 41"

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