Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monika: day 3/4 wow!


It's the 4th day of the juice feast.  Yesterday was fine, although I have been resisting drinking all the juice.  It feels like such a chore... I know that's just a story I made up, but it does feel like a chore to me sometimes.

Susan's been over juicing with me all the days... been lots of fun!  Andie said that she is going to jump on the bandwagon tomorrow and juice for about 30 days, until her trip to San Francisco.

I have a headache this evening, finally had some poopin movin goin on earlier... none on days 2/3.  drank some yummy OJ and grapefruit juice today.... my juices, in general, have been consisting of:

-1 head spinach
-greens and/or kale

We ran out of celery and I had to go buy some more.  I have ordered a new case to arrive tomorrow at Central Market.  I weighed myself last night, and I was 178.1.

More tomorrow...

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