Saturday, March 29, 2008

Monika: Day 6 update!!

This is going to be pretty short and sweet but just wanted to post and say that I've been pretty low energy due to not enough juice consumption. I've decided that I need to spice things up a little, because I'm getting reaaaaaallly bored of the same thing everyday... kale/spinach/lettuce/celery/cucumber/pear/apple

I'm going to go to Central Market hopefully tomorrow and snatch up some ginger, fennel, and some other things. beets perhaps? grapefruits? I read some juicefeasting blogs today and that seemed to inspire me again.

I noticed my size 14 pants were feeling a little loose today so I weighed myself today and I am at 176.4. Michale and I have our "big moving day" tomorrow so I am going to go finish packing and get enough rest!!!


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