Monday, March 24, 2008

Monika: Morning 1!

So I came home last night and there was a Canasta pow-wow going on, and I ended up staying up waaaaaay too late talking to Eric (until about 4:00 a.m.). Michale woke me up this morning at 7:30 having trouble getting the spinach to go through the juicer.... so I am veerrrryyyy sleeepy right now. The good news is that I got to help Michale and we ended up juicing the celery, cucumber, and braeburn apples in the GreenStar together, then blending up some spinach in the Vitamix and straining it through a nut-bag. After Michale left, I also juiced some red grapes.

This morning how I am feeling:
  • extremely sleepy
  • annoyed at the juicer and how long it takes to juice
  • annoyed that I spent over an hour juicing (between Michale's and my juice), and that I only have about half of the juice I should probably drink today
  • annoyed at the greens for not going through the GreenStar very well, annoyed that it's going to take so long to clean. It's going to be awful a big, huge, pain if I have to VitaMix these greens.
  • TOTALLY excited that Michale woke me up when she had a problem with the juicer instead of saying "f**k it"
  • Grateful to have had the opportunity to be of service to Michale so that she could get to work on time.
  • Inspired, having read Day 1 of Angela Stokes' Juice Feasting Journal.
  • Inspired by the before and after photos of 22-year old Britanie Faith on Angela's website
I think it will be helpful for me if I create a new possibility, so today, I am creating the possibility of ease and being joyfully grateful.

I can't WAIT to talk to Susan and Asya and see how their juicing experience is going today, or how it will go once they get up, and I can't wait to figure out how to make this process go more efficiently. Susan is going to call me soon and come over for our first juice pow-wow.

I noticed I need to go shopping for: cascara sagrada, enema bag, and 4 half/gallon jugs (2 for me, 2 for Michale)... we don't have containers big enough for all this liquid. :) Let the games begin!

Oh yeah, and my weigh-in last night at 7:30 p.m. was 186.1 pounds.

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