Monday, March 24, 2008

Michale: day 1 update

7 am - My chattery head is going: really? really? ok, seriously? thankfully, my commitment remains solid. I journaled last night about how this one-week juice feast is absolutely in alignment with the game I'm playing in my life lately. This is, namely -- HUMAN BEING FULLY ALIVE. That's me.

8 am - BLESS YOU SKIPPY for juicing while I was showering. I leave for work with approximately (I guess) about 60 oz of juice. Not nearly enough for the day... but I'll ration it out.

9 am - Confession: I got coffee. My hope is that I will stop wanting it within a couple of days. For day #1, I am being gentle with my juicy self. But no food!

10 am - I feel GREAT. My body is humming from all the green loveliness. Yum.

11 am - More of the feeling great. I shared this link with some coworkers. Hi, everybody!

12 pm - In the lunch room at work, someone is heating up something with garlic/curry. I get my juice out of the fridge and dash out as quickly as possible.

1 pm - first hunger pangs that feel like HUNGER. Sip some juice, "chew" in my mouth before swallowing. Chew some bee pollen. Hunger pangs gone, for now.

I am very conscious of my exhaling. The lungs are one of the major organs of elimination. Exhaling very fully whenever I think to do so.

More later.

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